Ingrid Sparbier

Guide du Pays Cathare



Guidage, conseil, traduction

La Fermette, 09500 Rieucros, France

tél :

+33-6 22 15 16 88



N° Siret: 349 212 191 00036



Ingrid Sparbier, guide du Pays Cathare
Sud de France

Ingrid Sparbier, tourist guide

30 year's experience (1989 - 2019)

Ingrid Sparbier, your tour guide
Ingrid Sparbier, your tour guide

Why hire a qualified tourist guide?


So you’ve decided to come and discover the South of France, a wonderfully varied and interesting part of the country.  But have you considered how much better it could be if you hired the services of a qualified guide?  Learned and passionate about their subjects they can take you to the most hidden of places and reveal all of its’ secrets.


Ingrid would be delighted to share her in-depth knowledge of this region with you and your party – after all she only has a mere 30 year’s experience behind her!



You can find articles also in english on the page BLOG-tourisme guidé:

visit the castle Montréal de Sos in Ariège

opera house in Hamburg  -  visit of Quéribus in December

My Book


Les chemins des derniers Cathars – Ingrid Sparbier


The paths travelled around Montaillou in 14th C.


This study is based on the registers of the inquisitor Jacques Fournier.  I picked out all the place names which I then compared to ancient maps (Cassini – Napolean Land Registry) to see which paths the people would have taken to travel from one place to the next.  Based on my findings I then devised a route map around Montaillou in the 14th C to reflect this.




This study is my dissertation in 1997 for DGIN (Dilplôme de Guide – Interprète National) in Perpignan.  Tutor: André Bonnery




Price: 15.00€  (carriage included)


Click here to order your copy.




About Me


Born in Hamburg, Germany, I have lived in France since 1985.  I have over 20 years experience of being a guide and all my tours are open to both adults and children.




-         Multi-lingual tour and mountain guide

-         Interpreter for visiting journalists and tour guides

-         Lecturer of the City of Carcassonne

-         Recognised guide for the Cathar trails I'm retired now!


Whatever your interests, I am able to assist you in putting together a programme for your tour.  Together we can devise a special holiday that will be memorable for you and your group.